Electric Skateboard Builders

This is a strailboard, an Electric Skateboard Builders I want to skateboards to be really awesome with something like a strailboard. Instead of using your feet to kick and push, you use remote control, some batteries and a pair of electric motors to go. And the advantage is obviously that it uses a lot less of your energy, meaning you can go further and you can go fast.
It's still faster than I would go on a regular skateboard. But yeah, you get the idea you can go really really fast anyway today strailboard the company announced the second generation strailboard and it looks a lot like the first one. But frequent writers or big fans of the original will notice the difference is so this is the strailboard too. If you start with the remote the remote is mostly the same. So it's the pistol grip pretty small and lightweight and to operate it's the same way you hold the safety switch on the front and then you rotate the throttle along the top to go forward or backward. The more you turn the faster you will go. Pretty simple remote connects two and controls the board via Bluetooth and also from that is where it gets the information that it displays on the side of the remote. So you get the board battery level the connection status the remote controls battery level and what mode you're in and different modes reach different speeds. Good to note the difference between mode one two three and four the batteries in the remote control and the strailboard are both were chargeable. But the strailboard to now has quick charging. So it will fast charge to eighty-five percent in just thirty minutes and it now also uses replaceable. So in theory, you can carry another battery in your backpack and a screwdriver to take the screws off swap it out and effectively double your range and speaking of range there is a new range for the strailboard to it keeps roughly the same weight and size as you can see about fifteen pounds.
But now though rock either a standard 99-watt battery that'll go six to seven miles on a charge or we can get the extended hundred ninety-nine watt battery but a boost for twelve to fourteen miles. So that's a lot longer than obviously a normal skateboard ride, but a lot more portable than a bicycle that you might use to commit that same distance in the city. And there are other smaller logistical improvements to like the battery indicator light on the bottom of the board. The first board didn't have one of these and the two Bluetooth radios in the strailboard itself.

You can have both your smartphone app and the remote control connected at the same time. We're not the first strailboard didn't do this either there's only one bluetooth radio. So it's not like a completely waterproof product, but you can now be that much more comfortable riding through puddles or riding in the rain for example. And I actually found the strailboard two easier to ride than the original strailboard. Now I don't know if it's just because i'm more of a beginner, so like i'm still early on a learning curve. To be fair, i'm probably only put in maybe two miles on the original board. But I found the right quality of the strailboard to be a lot better. It has better wheels better trucks better more efficient motors and the acceleration curve a smoother. It just overall felt a lot. I guess the keyword is smoother to ride. And when I was writing it I could focus more on where I wanted to go than I'm staying balanced. Although like I said I'm a beginner, so take that with a grain of salt over although no doubt this is a piece of tech strailboard and just all electric skateboards, in general, can be a legitimate mode of transportation in a stacked place like new york city like this. You guys already know how into electric cars I am with all their instant torque on this board is the same thing. It accelerates crazy fast in mode four can go up to twenty-two miles an hour. That's way faster than I guess an analog skateboard. So if you want more in-depth users to look at the strailboard to check out Sam's video he has a youtube channel and he put some miles on this thing already and like I said he knows way more about electric skateboard. So that's your full review experience and that's pretty much it I had a lot of fun making this video and I also now have that much more respect for people like Casey nice tat who managed to ride a strailboard electric skateboard control it and record video at the same time. That's actually really hard, but we do it for the shot anyway. Thanks for watching. 


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